Association of British Investigators


Fairclough and Partners are NCDV approved and registered.

The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) provides a free, fast emergency service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.

The Team

All our people have undergone CRB checking.


Our services are available throughout the UK and internationally through our network of proven Agents.

Nationwide Coverage

Insurance Investigations

Locus Reports

Statement Taking

Whether it is an R.T.A. investigation, home claim or ‘trip and slip’ enquiry we are able to assist.

Our information could prove invaluable in providing vital information and evidence to support your client's compensation claims. Our accident investigators will attend at the scene of an incident or accident, with witnesses if necessary, and provide you with a detailed marked plan with measurements of the scene together with a series of photographs, which will clarify the events that took place.

Incorporating our investigative skills and surveillance skills we are able to provide excellent evidence for our clients, both nationally and internationally.

We will provide an independent assessment and if required provide experts to assist with reconstructions.

The various components to this service are as follows:

• Trace witnesses and take detailed Statements in accordance with Civil Procedure Rules. Provide a detailed report giving a summary of the interview and an assessment of the witness.

• Interview any involved party on the instructions of their Insurer. Take a detailed CPR compliant Statement, also question in detail with regard to relevant insurance matters, such as any previous accidents and offences. Provide a detailed report and assessment of each person interviewed.

• Produce a detailed accident locus report including a sketch plan together within indexed photographs.

• When attending a locus we always endeavour to make enquiries in the locality and with local authorities to determine if it is a “black-spot” or any changes have taken place. Previously undiscovered, useful witnesses can sometimes be located in this manner.

Any professional within the legal profession will know the importance of recording an accurate criminal / civil statement for court purposes.

We at Fairclough & Partners understand that an accurate well–documented Statement is your tool towards a successful case.